How Bartenders Think, When Designing Bar Tools

Very often, technology (and micro-technology even more) is not taken seriously when considering what elements goes into making the perfect drink. Of course, no serious drinking can take place without the best ingredients or skillfull technique, but the choice of tools you use to create those concoctions, also play a huge role. What are the fundamentals that goes into designing high-quality designed bar tools, according to bartenders?
Inspiration could come from the little everyday struggles that occur when working behind the stick. When traveling bartender Nico De Soto describes what switched on the lightbulb in his head and made him think of a new bar spoon, for example: “For years I had to use kitchen spoons when it came to small measurements, as regular bar spoons were often inaccurate (usually the spoon end fills up to 5ml); also, shakers made out of poor quality metal tended to shrink when cooled down, so were hard to unseal. So, when Greg Boehm from Cocktail Kingdom asked me to jump in a design set of bar tools, I was excited to be part of it from day one”. For former Savoy head bartender Erik Lorin